

In a 12 week social media workshop hosted by MAKE Visuals, I was tasked to design and animate a 10-15 looping social media piece that would be both fun and expressive. While given the creative freedom to choose our concepts, we had to design a piece that could be easily reformatted into different aspect ratios.

Final Deliverables

1. Video: 06-:15 seconds long
2. IG story postings: 5 stills/ style frames
- 9x16
- 1x1
- 16x9
(show the process or/and showcase your animated piece)


The arrival of the spring equinox marks a time of seasonal transition. Our environment is in a constant cycle of color, shapes and beautiful elements that are often overlooked. Equinox is an abstract looping piece that simulates the seasons through representational elements and graceful transition.

Word List

- Balance
- Transition
- Light
- Darkness
- Renewal
- Day
- Depression
- Hope
- Rebirth
- Life
- Night
- Growth


Color Palettes Exploration

Snowflake Designs

Looping Animation Storyboard

The biggest challenge I had during this project was designing a seamless loop that represented the transition of the two seasons. My solution was to use generative elements found in nature that could move organically and in a spiral formation.

Production Timeline + Shotlist

Through out the 12 week workshop, the participants had periodic check in meetings with MAKE's owner and creative director Danny Robashkin. From the kick off meeting to the final presentation, we received individual critiques on our progress. The timeline and shot list below allowed me to keep track of my work and adjust my schedule according to the feedback.

Motion tests

Styleframes + Aspect Ratios